Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Freedom Song

Sometimes I wonder who you are

I just can't grasp your perspective

You scream and yell at me all night

Your memories are all selective

I'm so tired of trying to find out

What is your reality

Just what planet are you on

Why is it you torture me?

In your mind I'm all that's wrong here

Burden to your paradise

Place the blame upon my shoulders

That must feel so fucking nice

I'm so tired of trying to find out

What is your reality?

Just which ship did you arrive on?

Cut the rope and set me free.

Logic has no place in your world

Everything is bound by fear

I can't fight the paranoia

I'm immune to all your tears

Now you have your armor on

It's you against the universe

What you never stop to see

Is that you always slay me first

Find some fucking gravity

Find some fucking sanity

I can't take this trip again

I'm floating away from me.