Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Forgetful Men

Forgetful Men

I am not less than you because I am a woman.
I am not less than you because I am viewed as Black, Cherokee, poor, Asian, gay, crippled or old.
I am not less than you.
You can not see all of me because I can not be contained, captured or experienced in the framework lenses of limitation, fear or bewilderment.

I am what God made me.
I am a rejoicing part of God’s plan.
I soar through hatred, fear, anger, disgrace and lies.

God made me to live surrounded by freedom, love and grace.
I float like a butterfly.
On my  journey from flower to flower
My soul invented call and response.
My soul hears and answers the call of God.
Therefore, I am accountable to God.
Therefore, I humbly and gratefully bow to God.

Men have been spewing this same make believe crap since the start;
the land of the free and home of the brave.
I am not less than you because I am a woman.
God and a Woman made a pact and carried forth Jesus to this world.

As Sojourner Truth stated,“ Man had nothing to do with him. “