Friday, July 11, 2008

Meds Are Our Friends

So, at age 48, after running like a gerbil on a hyperdrive wheel, I find that I don't bounce back from the rough stuff as easily as I used to. I'm tired, menopausal and depressed and would kill for 6 months (illness-free, let me stipulate - gotta be careful what you wish for!) to sit and figure out what to do next. Would it be wrong to just quit my job and go intern at the radio station? To spend all day around music would make me incredibly happy. I find that I really don't want to be responsible for more than my children and my home. Honestly. I'd find owning a dog overwhelming right now (though I would like a new cat). Sad, as I'm in the most high profile position that I've ever had. I think I'll give it 2 years. After that, I may go work in the campus bad could it be!??

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